dimecres, 23 de gener del 2013

Eines per la presentació dels inventors

 Creaza: Es poden fer còmics, videos, posar audio, ...

ProfessorGardfiel: per fer més còmics

Dvolver: per fer videos, es poden escriure els textos

Uf! Les possibilitats són infinites... Us deixo aquesta llista perquè aneu provant a veure què us agrada més:
Mailvu - Record yourself and share it with others.
BombayTV - Write subtitles for Bollywood films.
Jing - A tool to screen capture your screen. 
Domoanimate - Make your own animations
Kerpoof - Create videos or an animated picture.
TalkingPets - Make the pets talk
Googlesearch - Use Google searches to tell your story.
OneTrueMedia - Mix your photos and pictures with text and animations.
Blabberize - Make your pictures talk
Roxio - Turn your photos into a video.
Smilebox - Create videos from your pictures and videos adding design and music.
SlideRocket - Create slidehows.
Screenr - Record your screen activity with audio.
Glogster - Create and online poster with your videos.
Sketchcast - Record a sketch with or without your voice.

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